Tags archives: mitch-mcconnell

Sen Mitch McConnell Responds to Obama joke

After a joke that Barack Obama made at the expense of Sen Mitch McConnell at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner:

Of course, even after I’ve done all this, some folks still don’t think I spend enough time with Congress. “Why don’t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?” they ask. Really? (Laughter.) Why don’t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell? (Laughter and applause.) I’m sorry. I get frustrated sometimes.

When asked about President Obama’s joke Sen. Mitch McConnell said , “I’m shocked. He’s obviously not seeing my soft side”

Kentucky Scandal: What Did Democrats Know?

The fallout continued today from Thursday’s revelation that members of the activist group Progress Kentucky were behind a secret recording of Mitch McConnell’s meeting with aides, and new questions are now being raised about whether Democrat officials were aware of this act of political espionage. Investigative journalist Matthew Vadum reports at the Daily Caller: Shawn Reilly, the executive director of  Progress Kentucky, the controversial super PAC allegedly involved in the  […]

BREAKING: Ashley Judd Will Not Run for Senate

The much-rumored 2014 campaign by film star Ashley Judd for the Kentucky seat of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will not happen. In a series of Twitter messages Wednesday afternoon, Judd told her supporters: Dear Friends, Thank you for these months of remarkable support & encouragement, for your voices, exhortations, & prayers. I have decided. My full statement will soon be on my website, http://ashleyjudd.com. Please know that is my […]

#CPAC2013: Mitch McConnell 'If You Get Beat Up, Punch Back'

This morning, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) addressed CPAC attendees in the Potomac Ballroom. McConnell, as the Minority Leader in the U.S. Senate, acts as a brake to what he sees as overreach by President Obama and his allies. McConnell’s best understood in his own words. In February 2011, he told the Atlantic: “Rahm Emanuel famously said, ‘A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. They rolled out what we thought […]