Bert and Ernie Come Out on Cover of ‘The New Yorker’

Jack Hunter’s contentious New Yorker cover.
Credit: Business Insider

Now that SCOTUS has ruled on the much-hyped Prop 8 and DOMA cases, two long-closeted puppets were finally able to confirm all the rumors. On the July 8th cover of The New Yorker magazine, the popular children’s puppets Bert and Ernie from “Sesame Street” are pictured as cuddling together watching the decision.

Jack Hunter, the artist responsible for the cover, exclaimed his enthusiasm for sexualizing the children’s characters. ““This is great for our kids, a moment we can all celebrate,” he told The New Yorker.

The cover received some public backlash from parents and conservatives uncomfortable with the sexualization of kiddy idols.

Bert and Ernie
Credit: Christian Science Monitor

In 2011, the Sesame Street Workshop responded to petitions for Bert and Ernie to tie the knot, by stating they were ‘best friends’ intended to ‘teach preschoolers’ about friendship. “Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most ‘Sesame Street’ Muppets™ do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation,” they wrote.