Yesterday, ViralRead reported that Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) was working on an amendment that — politicians claimed — would beef up border security.
Today, Breitbart is starting to learn the details of the bill, and some of them are not pretty.
Buried within the text of the Amendment is a seemingly innocuous provision:
(f) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN GROUNDS OF INADMISSIBILITY.—In determining an alien’s inadmissibility under this section, section 212(a)(9)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9)(B)) shall not apply.
What does that mean?
Current law states that those applying for green cards are ineligible if they are either “illegally present” at any point or overstay the terms of their work visa. Such an immigrant, in current law, would have to return to their home country and restart the immigration process. The Corker Amendment wipes away that enforcement mechanism.
Once again, it seems that, to paraphrase the stereotyped Indian from the old old Westerns, “Senator speaks with forked tongue.”
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