PHOTO: Democrat Won’t Debate Mark Sanford, So Sanford Debates Cardboard Nancy Pelosi; Updated With Video

Mark Sanford “debated” a cardboard display of House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi because his opponent, Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch, refuses to debate him, unwilling to risk her edge in the polls.

Sanford’s young female staffer propped up the cardboard poster while he posed for the press conference — err, debate. Candidates, of either party, vying for exposure typically use gimmicks like this in attempt to collect earned media, though Sanford has universal name recognition across the district and state.

Mark Sanford Debating a cardboard cut-out of Nancy Pelosi

Sanford slammed Colbert Busch over outside money.

“My opponent continues to run a stealth campaign, avoiding public appearances and refusing to commit to televised forums for the benefit of 1st district voters,” said Sanford. “Since Elizabeth Colbert Busch refuses to articulate her views publicly, we are left to draw inferences for what she stands for on the basis of the groups that have made substantial monetary investments on her behalf.”

Most recently, the organization that was set to level the playing campaign money playing field, the National Republican Congressional Committee, pulled out of the race after news of Sanford’s trespassing charges against his popular wife. Sanford has an explanation though.

The special election in South Carolina’s First Congressional District is May 7th.

UPDATE April 24, 2013 5:35pm ET: BuzzFeed has the video…


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