Florida Sen. Marco Rubio slammed President Obama’s $3.8-trillion budget plan Wednesday as filled with “recycled liberal ideas,” saying the proposal is “useless” because it was delivered two months late.
“President Obama’s budget is a blueprint for a recession,” said Rubio, who is widely viewed as a leading hopeful for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination. “Filled to the brim with middle class tax hikes and debt spending, the recycled liberal ideas in his budget have failed time and again to create real vibrant economic growth for the American people. Our nation needs a plan that reflects the principles of limited government, free enterprise and a strong national defense.”
The White House budget plan delivered Wednesday drew sharp criticism from liberals like Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, as well as congressional Republicans.
In a press statement, Rubio said the president’s budget proposal “taxes and punishes American success, and it encourages long-term dependency on government.” Rubio was harshly critical of Obama’s tax proposals: “The President already got $600 billion in tax increases from the fiscal cliff deal struck in January, which I opposed. Now he wants over $1 trillion more in taxes on retirement savings, small businesses and job creators who can’t afford to hire because they’re burdened with new costs as they scramble to figure out just what’s in ObamaCare. It will never even come close to balancing our budget in the next ten years, leaving it up to future generations to figure out how to stop Washington from spending more money than it takes in.”
Rubio concluded: “On the bright side, after arriving 65 days late, the budget proposal is useless considering the House and Senate have already proposed and passed budget resolutions.”
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