You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks, if the Old Dog is Vin Scully

There are few figures more revered in Major League Baseball than renowned Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully (full disclosure, I am a lifelong Dodger fan and would run across a six lane highway to shake Vinnie’s hand — and I know I’m not alone there). To any baseball fan, he is a legend; to Dodger fans he holds the status of a diety.

Scully has been calling Dodger games for 64 seasons. Let’s think about that for a second. Consider all the things that have changed in the game of baseball — and in the world — in the last 64 years to which Scully has had to adapt, just to do his job. His career began when games were only broadcast on radio; we now watch games on our phones or follow the games via Twitter feed. But Vin Scully is a pro, and he can adapt. Just this April, the 85 year-old Scully seemed to have no clue about social media and asked us all “what in the world is a hashtag?” Two months later, Scully was ruling social media as he took over the @Dodgers Twitter feed last night and live-tweeted the second game of the Dodgers double-header against the Yankees.

Scully started off the Tweetcast with his traditional Dodger greeting, and the magic continued all game long. In case you missed it, here are some of the gems Dodger fans were treated to yesterday:

With a nod to those who know his age and old-school mentality:

On playing ball with a future president:

As always, Scully’s primary focus was on the game and not on himself:

Proving he is a true reniassance man who knows more than just baseball, Scully predicts the NBA championship game

Always a class act, Vinnie refuses to take any credit for his milestone in social media:

After a Dodger win, Scully bid all his followers farewell:

Now tell me, how many octogenarians do you know who could have pulled that off?

1 Comment

  1. June 21, 2013  7:44 pm by Mathew White Reply

    Thanks for the recap! Hats off to Vin Scully and Stephanie Joyce for the article.

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