OH Gov. Kasich: “I don’t know if [Obamacare Medicaid expansion] will be workable at the end of the day”
Today, Ohio Gov. John Kasich moved his state into the column with those of four other Republican governors, by accepting additional federal dollars for Medicaid under Obamacare. Although some stories on Kasich’s decision highlight his praise of White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, there was another, crucial part of their conversation: Specifically, Kasich said the [...]
Obama’s Bad News in the Final Columbus Dispatch Poll
CINCINNATI, OHIO- “Within the margin of error,” is a phrase that David Axelrod didn’t want to wake up to this morning, although he knows what to do: Obama’s senior advisor will tout the 50-48 result in the D+4 poll and proudly pronounce that the fundamentals of the Democrat narrative are still intact. Despite Axelrod’s spin, [...]
Ohio Math: Numbers Equal Trouble for Democrats
Democrats have much to fear when it comes to the math of the horserace for Ohio’s crucial 18 electoral votes. With two trips to Ohio under my belt this general election, I have been able to witness rallies from Marion to Toledo to the historic West Chester rally Friday night, I’ve talked extensively with soft-money [...]