National Group Sees 'Chilling Effect' in Alabama Blogger's Arrest
Preliminary injunction against ‘Legal Schnauzer’ blogger Roger Shuler imperils First Amendment rights, says National Bloggers Club.
Preliminary injunction against ‘Legal Schnauzer’ blogger Roger Shuler imperils First Amendment rights, says National Bloggers Club.
The DOJ’s extensive use of wiretapping has caused many journalists’ sources to clam up, according to the president of the Associated Press.
The left would love to proclaim that conservative talk juggernaut Rush Limbaugh is finished, and have been working to make that a possibility for years. But El Rushbo keeps hanging on to ratings, revenue, and headlines no matter what they throw at him.
Justice Department 2010 investigation aimed at FNC correspondent James Rosen ‘was approved at the highest levels — and I mean the highest,’ a source tells NBC’s Michael Isikoff.
Sociologist Anne Hendershott says she was audited after she reported about liberal Catholic groups funded by George Soros.