Nearly 300 applications for federal non-profit status filed by conservative organizations were targeted for review under “inappropriate criteria” by the Internal Revenue Service, according to an inspector general’s report filed Tuesday. Advanced drafts of the report by deputy IG Michael McKinney brought the scandal to public attention last week. The IG’s investigation found that applications were unnecessarily delayed and applicants were subjected to requests for “unnecessary” information after IRS agents targeted groups associated with the Tea Party movement. A complete text of the 54-page report is below:
Inappropriate Criteria Were Used to
Identify Tax-Exempt Applications for Review by Eric Lach
- Dana Bash and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN: Report finds IRS targeted conservative groups, delayed applications
- Allahpundit, Hot Air: Report: IRS targeted more conservative groups than thought
- Lauren French and Kelsey Snell, Politico: Watchdog: IRS used ‘inappropriate criteria’
- Bryan Preston, PJ Media: IG Report: IRS Discrimination Against Conservatives Due to ‘Ineffective Management’
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